Author Topic: Things that Piss me off....  (Read 3773 times)

Offline Chris

Things that Piss me off....
« on: June 25, 2010, 11:27:01 AM »
1. People who point at their wrist while
asking for the time. I know where my watch is,
buddy...where the hell is yours? Do I point at
my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is??

2. People in the supermarket check out line
who wait until their entire bill is rung up
before they begin writing their check. the store name going to change,
or the date, or your signature before the
clerk finishes? Get a clue!

3. People who are willing to get off their
ass to search the entire room for the damn TV
remote because they refuse to walk to the TV
and change it manually!

4. When people say..."Oh, you just want to
have your cake and eat it, too." Screw that!!!
What good is a damn piece of cake if you can't
eat it? What should I someone else's
piece of cake instead.

5. When people say..."It's always the last
place you look." No shit!! Why the hell would
you keep looking for it after you've already
found it?? Do people do this?? Who and where
are they??

6. When people say, while watching a movie
.."Did you see that?" No, dumb ass, I paid
$7.50 to come to a theater and stare at the
ceiling up there. What did you come here for??.

7. People who ask, "Can I ask you a question?"
Didn't really give me a choice there, did
ya buddy?

8. When something is "New & Improved," Which
is it? If it's new, there has never been anything
before it. If it's an improvement then there must
have been something before it!

9. When a cop pulls you over and then asks
if you know how fast you were going. "You should
know, asshole. You're the one that pulled me

Here's the 10TH thing that really bugs

10. Chain letters! Who the hell thinks that
by annoying other people with stupid mail with
no meaning, that they will grant you a wish, or
make your long-lost love fall into your arms.
Bullshit! I'm so sure that by breaking a stupid
chain letter that the computer gods are going to
curse me!! What a crock of shit!!!

By the way, if you send this to 10
people, shit won't happen, and that person you're
in love with won't come crawling to if
you feel this is funny, go on and send it to some
one else, but don't expect one damn thing in return!
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Re: Things that Piss me off....
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2010, 01:04:48 PM »
BOl they are all so True i think you should do a weekly  What really pisses me off  Rant Chris 


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Re: Things that Piss me off....
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2010, 12:45:11 AM »
#2 is what gets me the most....oh gosh do i hate that!

love these

Offline Chris

Re: Things that Piss me off....
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2010, 04:14:38 AM »
1. Having to wipe my ass with the Shower Curtain. Replace the toilet paper when you use the last of it.

2. Cat's  I FUCKING HATE CATS They are nasty.

3. When a season finale sucks (ie. The Tudors, The Sopranos )

4. People who make you feel inferior

5. Lairs  I'd rather you come up and punch me in the face than lie to me.
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Re: Things that Piss me off....
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2010, 08:44:32 AM »
gawd Sir ....hands You another copy of that book i gave You .....that one is gross *L*

1. Having to wipe my ass with the Shower Curtain. Replace the toilet paper when you use the last of it.

Offline Chris

Re: Things that Piss me off....
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2010, 11:19:58 AM »
Well I'm just saying if you use all the shit tickets replace them or I'll have to use the Shower Curtain  ;)
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Re: Things that Piss me off....
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2010, 05:50:15 AM »
My biggest pet peeve EVER EVER EVER EVER are false accusations...THAT will make me want to kick some ass more than anything

Offline Chris

Re: Things that Piss me off....
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2010, 03:12:29 AM »
  • People who ride their bikes/skateboards/Rollerblades/etc all over the road when I'm driving
  • People that make assumptions about me before they even know me (Oh, he's a nerd, stays on the computer all day)
  • Hypocrites 
  • Gossip
  • False gossip
  • Make-up
  • Girls whom I've never seen not wearing make-up
  • Girls who think they're ugly, whine to me about it, then I tell them I think they are beautiful, and they still complain. (Sorry, this probably hurts a lot of you. It doesn't actually piss me off, but it's funny, okay?)
  • Men in make-up 
  • People who post on my list of thing at piss me off! If you have things that piss you off MAKE YOU OWN DAMN LIST! 
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 03:14:07 AM by Chris »
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Your  Body is a Temple Mine is a ole' Honky Tonk

Offline David

Re: Things that Piss me off....
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2010, 09:13:38 PM »
  • People who ride their bikes/skateboards/Rollerblades/etc all over the road when I'm driving
  • People that make assumptions about me before they even know me (Oh, he's a nerd, stays on the computer all day)
  • Hypocrites 
  • Gossip
  • False gossip
  • Make-up
  • Girls whom I've never seen not wearing make-up
  • Girls who think they're ugly, whine to me about it, then I tell them I think they are beautiful, and they still complain. (Sorry, this probably hurts a lot of you. It doesn't actually piss me off, but it's funny, okay?)
  • Men in make-up 
  • People who post on my list of thing at piss me off! If you have things that piss you off MAKE YOU OWN DAMN LIST! 

I'll do better...I'll just steal your list :P
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" if you're talking behind my back, you're in a great place to kiss my ass!


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Re: Things that Piss me off....
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2010, 09:16:21 PM »
ohhhhhh you are a thief....a sexy one at that too  :P

Offline David

Re: Things that Piss me off....
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2010, 09:19:20 PM »
ohhhhhh you are a thief....a sexy one at that too  :P

I'm good like that :D
PSN Profile

" if you're talking behind my back, you're in a great place to kiss my ass!

Offline Chris

Re: Things that Piss me off....
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2010, 03:07:42 AM »
Fuckstick no stealing my list!
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Your  Body is a Temple Mine is a ole' Honky Tonk

Offline Chris

Re: Things that Piss me off....
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2010, 06:25:21 AM »
1. When people who are really hurt and need workers comp they have holy hell getting the benefits but drug addicts can get food stamps with nooo trouble!

2. My knee hurting so bad I can't sleep and the Dr only uping my pain meds a little.

3.People who pretend to be loyal then turn around and leave ya with out telling you bye or anything.

4. MSN and Yahoo both not working on my PC

5. RAP (support the arts shoot a rapper)
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