Author Topic: New Board!  (Read 3517 times)

Offline David

New Board!
« on: August 08, 2019, 03:21:21 PM »
Ok everyone here is the new board link. All Registrations must be approved before posting can be done. This is to help prevent spambots from getting on the site and posting junk. I have taken other security measures as well to hopefully limit the amount of spam that comes to the site but better to be safe than sorry.
PSN Profile

" if you're talking behind my back, you're in a great place to kiss my ass!

Offline David

Re: New Board!
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2019, 12:41:21 AM »
Registration to this board will not longer be allowed. I suggest signing up on the new forum which is located at

please register on that forum, as this will be closing down at some point in the very near future.
PSN Profile

" if you're talking behind my back, you're in a great place to kiss my ass!