Author Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Reboot" In The Works Without Joss Whedon, & Whedon Rea  (Read 3279 times)

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Warner Bros. announced today that they are moving forward with a Buffy the Vampire Slayer "reboot"—without the involvement of the iconic mastermind behind the TV series, Joss Whedon—E Online checked in with Joss for his reaction, and here's what he just shared with them:

Kristin, I'm glad you asked for my thoughts on the announcement of Buffy the cinema film. This is a sad, sad reflection on our times, when people must feed off the carcasses of beloved stories from their youths—just because they can't think of an original idea of their own, like I did with my Avengers idea that I made up myself.

Obviously I have strong, mixed emotions about something like this. My first reaction upon hearing who was writing it was, "Whit Stillman AND Wes Anderson? This is gonna be the most sardonically adorable movie EVER." Apparently I was misinformed. Then I thought, "I'll make a mint! This is worth more than all my Toy Story residuals combined!" Apparently I am seldom informed of anything. And possibly a little slow. But seriously, are vampires even popular any more?

I always hoped that Buffy would live on even after my death. But, you know, AFTER. I don't love the idea of my creation in other hands, but I'm also well aware that many more hands than mine went into making that show what it was. And there is no legal grounds for doing anything other than sighing audibly. I can't wish people who are passionate about my little myth ill. I can, however, take this time to announce that I'm making a Batman movie. Because there's a franchise that truly needs updating. So look for The Dark Knight Rises Way Earlier Than That Other One And Also More Cheaply And In Toronto, rebooting into a theater near you.

Leave me to my pain! Sincerely, Joss Whedon.

Warner Brothers is officially moving forward on a new feature film of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, having optioned the rights from the directors and production company of the original movie (starring Kristy Swanson). At this point, it's not looking as though any of the TV cast or creative team will be involved in the project. And a young writer named Whit Anderson (who says she loved Buffy when she was the same age as the character) is set to write the script. (Hence, the "Whit" and "Anderson" jokes above.)

Offline ladynatasha

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I've sat cringing through examples (like 'Odd Thomas') of other writers trying to put out dialog like Joss Whedon's, and coming off sickeningly cutesy. I don't know if i'm as worried about that, as about a new Buffy with everybody taking total nonsense dead seriously like they do in one of J. J. Abrams's movies. YEW.

Buffy's complete run is still going strong on Netfix and everywhere else, as well as Firefly. It's not like they're silent films.
Lady Natasha
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