« Last post by David on August 04, 2019, 10:39:18 PM »
Alright everyone, I have attempted to save things from this forum to move to a updated version a bit but it's just running into to many problems. So what I plan to do is start fresh. I'll leave this forum up and running for those who wish to save posts to later repost onto the new when I have it all completed.
The big reason for this is some of the add-ons to help the board out have caused some issues with it in the long run. Over time it just kept adding up. I know personally I have to click on a link twice in order to read. Some are having issues posting videos because of the security that I currently have up. I'm going to go with the same, however I'll tweak it a bit more to hopefully prevent that. Anyway..with the new forum will be coming a new fresh look. I'm currently tweaking that as well a little bit too. I think it everyone will enjoy it as it is still a darker look, however it fits the theme of the site a bit more. And along with that your phones, tablets and such will adjust just like the site to fit whatever screen your using aka Responsive design.
Couple more days and I'll have things up and running I hope, and I'll shoot over a link. As I said I'll leave this up for a bit so anyone who wishes to save can do so.