« Last post by David on December 29, 2018, 11:58:34 AM »
Ok as I mentioned in a previous updated post the site is back up and running now.
issues with av codes has been corrected as well.
I will continue to monitor the site to make sure everything is running as normal as possible.
The bad part is because the update of the server it caused some files to revert back as I mentioned. Because of this it pretty much left a lot of unknown parts to figure out what was causing problems. Thankfully there was a backup days during the Holidays. Now I don't know how far back but at least a week worth. So please keep this in mind if you uploaded anything to your member storage as it might not be there now and you may need to re-upload again.
I want to thank everyone who has remained calm and positive and sending the nice messages along, including the help that some of you posted in regards of when things was not working and letting me know of other errors I might have missed. I do appreciate it. I also must say thanks to my hosting provider as well as they did what they could on their end as well to help assist getting things back up and going to.
I'm sorry things was down for this amount of time, unfortunately was unable to help it as we was trying to figure out the issue and correct it. So many things got jumbled up in this update on the server.
Happy Holidays everyone!