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The Edge / Re: Visits
« Last post by dark muse on August 17, 2018, 12:34:05 PM »
i answered !   *hugs*
The Edge / Re: Visits
« Last post by tamlyn on August 13, 2018, 11:11:20 AM »
i sent you a pm muse. i can't get in the room. i'm using my registered name and it still won't let me in...*cries*
General Discussion / Re: keep an eye out and please report to me
« Last post by David on August 07, 2018, 08:17:09 PM »
Other names to keep an eye out for is


they are no longer welcome on the site for breaking site rules, discussions of illegal content is no welcome on Starlight.
The Gates of Heaven / Re: Thank You from GoH
« Last post by AmB on July 29, 2018, 10:19:13 AM »
Thank you Jayson

David.. oh that's quite alright.. r/t always comes first.. no need to thank me.. I thank you for having such a wonderful place for me to call home.
The Gates of Heaven / Re: Thank You from GoH
« Last post by David on July 28, 2018, 11:38:56 PM »
Sorry that I didn't make it I had some r/t commitments to take care of.

But I want to say thank you for that continued support/being apart of the Starlight Family!
General Discussion / keep an eye out and please report to me
« Last post by David on July 28, 2018, 11:24:15 PM »
There was an issue recently regarding posting of illegal content  on the site....I have took the time to filter out the websites, ban the current IP's and names that the ones had used.

I also have sent out the log file to the proper authorities as well. Including any information that was posted, web addresses, names, IP's.

I want to point out. If you notice any odd looking names running on the site, and you have boots here on the site. Please stop in, Don't auto boot the person. however if you notice such things being posted, then remove immediately, copy the time stamps of the issue and send to my email so I can gather the information so I can report the crime.

Names to watch for...


drinx, tree, Shara22
The Edge / Re: Visits
« Last post by dark muse on July 27, 2018, 08:57:04 PM »
i apologize that no one has answered your post but i was so bad about checking the forums that i forgot my password!    Wraith and tyme are out for a bit i think, you should give her a call when you can.  Love ya and hope to catch you soon!
The Gates of Heaven / Re: Thank You from GoH
« Last post by jayson on July 26, 2018, 11:06:46 PM »
congratulations on 10 years....
The Gates of Heaven / Thank You from GoH
« Last post by AmB on July 23, 2018, 05:38:08 PM »
I'd like to thank everyone who showed up yesterday to help us celebrate 10 years of GoH. It's still amazing to me that it's been 10 years since I opened my room and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. Thank you again. To another 10 years!
Starlight Chat Events / Re: GoH 10 Year Anniversary Party
« Last post by AmB on July 17, 2018, 12:08:38 PM »
Today marks 10 years since I opened GoH. We hope to see you all on Sunday to help us celebrate.
Thank you to all who have stopped by and here's to another 10!
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