As for bond, I was a child of Roger Moore, baby! And grew up with Remington Steele and remember when he was SUPPOSE to be the next Bond over Dalton... who mind you makes a better Lord Rassilon in Doctor Who than James Bond... but I like Moore and Brosnan the best followed by Connery and then Dalton, Lazenby (who also played Jor-El in a Superboy two-arter) and then Craig who is just a Soccer hooligan in a tuxedo... The Bond revamp does not excite me, sorry. I'm glad MGM pulled the plug on the next film till they know who is signing their paychecks.
Also mind you, if you read the Flemming books themselves, George Lazenby is by far the only actor who comes close to resembling James Bond as Ian penned him in his stories.
Further more, Sean only got the part cause Number Six didn't want to do a big screen film and was more content on the island with everyone else!