Again, I feel silly posting this but still believe Primus would approve. If he doesn't I am sure I will find out soon enough~laughs~ I did not write it, or make any claim to it, I just wish to share it.
Responsibilities of a Dominant
Your responsibilities:
1. Trust:
Your sub's submission is a gift. It is your responsibility not to violate or abuse his/her trust in you. Whenever there are decisions you must make, you need to keep both you and your sub in mind, not just yourself.
2. Help:
It is your responsibility to help your sub find what is already inside of him/her, and not try to create it for him/her. Before turning your attention toward your sub, you need to be the best man/woman you can possibly be. Bare in mind, this does not mean perfection, but it does not mean whimsical either.
3. Leadership:
Your responsibility is not to take your leadership lightly and not to bail out if/when things get heavy. It is your responsibility to recognize that everyone is different, and your sub may not respond like your co-workers, friends, etc. You need to employ creativity rather than formula.
4. Communication:
You know the keys to bringing out the best in your relationship lie in accumulating knowledge, communicating openly, and approaching the situation and your sub without hatred or animosity. It is your responsibility to guard your sub's mental health-- to not guess or try to read “between the lines”, but to communicate openly with him/her.
5. Safety:
It is your responsibility to make sure your sub is safe. You must be responsible for finding out what your sub’s true limits are, and staying within the boundaries those limits describe. You have a responsibility to discuss any punishments after its conclusion and to be open to any criticism that may come from your sub regarding the way things were handled.
6. Rules:
It is your responsibility to involve your sub in the planning of his/her rules and their punishments, and to find out as much as possible about his/her desires and fantasies. To not be arrogant, but to actively seek help from your sub in discovering those areas in which you can improve. To not be misleading about yourself or your abilities.
7. Punishment:
It is your responsibility to be stern. He/She may not like the punishment, but he/she will always respect you for it. You will continue your support and affection, especially while you are punishing him/her. You must never withhold your support and affection from him/her as a means of punishment. When you punish your sub, you must do so for the good of your sub, not just for the fulfillment of your own desires.